Sexism (July 30,2005)

Homemakers furious over taxing ‘parasite wives’ remark

As many women in Japan, both single and married, are showing more independence and determination to chose for themselves the life and lifestyle they wish to lead. At such times in the development of any modern equalitarian society, it is not unusual for chauvinistic sterotypical rants and criticism to ensue for a while, and in so doing reveal sexist distain for women’s intellects and fear of women exercise greater power and control in their lives. The following extract is taken from an article from Aera, revealing on such group of ranters… parasite is a subjective word and often to be found in the eye of the beholder… – Timi

“As full-time housewives, many women don’t do any work at all. They don’t bear children either, as opposed to the working women who want to have children but don’t. So these women just lounge around their homes, and are no different from the ‘parasite singles’ who sponge off their parents. Call them ‘parasite wives’ if you will. They’ve got money and time on their hands.”

These politically incorrect remarks were voiced last month during the 32nd meeting of an advisory subcommittee formed to reconsider Japan’s system of individual taxation in the 21st century. The committee, composed of 26 academics, bankers, authors and other upstanding citizens, had begun its deliberations two years ago…

…”To bear children or not is a matter of values,” says Rika Nogi, 41, a professional translator. “Many of these housewives are active in the school PTAs or community volunteer activities.”
“Up to now, women have practically never been able to choose their own lifestyles,” says Masami Ohinata, professor of development psychology at Keisen Women’s University. “The whole notion of fulltime housewives was part of a national strategy to keep women at home during the era of rapid economy growth, to enable the men to work all-out.”

Aera, by way of Wai Wai section of Mainichi Newspaper, July 30, 2005

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